Month: December 2017

Things to Think About Going Into the New Year

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! As you plan for a fun night out and think about what your New Year’s resolutions will be and…

Start Your Morning With More Energy With This Shower Trick

You’ll spend about 4,000 hours of your adult life showering — possibly more time than you spend reading, exercising or watching TV — but…

Being Emotional Can Be a Positive Thing

Men often learn at an early age that crying “is for girls,” and that being stoic is the best way to “be a man.”…

Setting Goals – Tips for Greater Amounts of Success

2018 is only a few days away, which means you probably have your New Year’s resolutions ready to be announced. To help you stick…

Increasing Your Love

Whether you want to increase your capacity for love, find someone to love, or just learn how to love better, there is no doubt…

Great Way to Celebrate the New Year: Reverse Bucket List

Most people have a bucket list, and most people make a long list of things that they want to achieve or do when ringing…

Energize Your Life

Energize Your Life – the tools to use when your energy is low and you still need to run your business. It’s inevitable that…

Who’s Doing the Thinking When You’re Stressed- You or Your Brain?

It’s nice to think that our brains are always on our sides and that when we need them to thinking clearly and logically the…

3 Things To Do Right Now To Increase Energy and Get Sales

A business is a reflection of the individual who owns it or is managing it or selling it. Not only is a business a…