Month: July 2018

How To Run A Meeting Effectively 

Running a meeting requires good administration, communication, and facilitation skills. A poorly planned meeting can ruin the momentum of a day for your team….

3 Steps To Accomplish Goals By Working Smarter Not Harder

Warren Buffet focused on his passion (business) by ignoring everything else that would distract his attention. This trait is common for all successful people….

Are You Ready For This?

Information is no longer the bait. I heard this on a marketing podcast today and thought wow…they’re getting there. Where are they getting, you…

Slow Down Your Racing Thoughts With Mindfulness & Silence

Have you ever experienced the bliss of meditation? When your thoughts rise and fall like gentle waves as you acknowledge their existence? Unfortunately, for…

The 3 Factors That Are Essential To Improve Your Productivity

Each one of us gets exactly 24 hours a day. Being constantly busy during those hours is not a sure sign of productive work….

How To Make Meaningful Small Talk In The Office Or In Business

Whether you are the CEO, a manager or a new employee on the rolls, the art of small talk is necessary to make people…

Improve Your Weakest Skills For Sustained Success In Business

Confucius said, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” We often look at the mountain and try to figure…

Are Happy People More Productive? Effects Of Happiness In The Workplace

Yes. According to Chris Bailey, an author and productivity consultant, happy people are productive people. His observations over a decade of research and studies…

Sleep Your Way To A More Productive Day

Sleep deprivation affects about half the population in the United States. By shortchanging sleep to get more done, half the country is actually walking…