Inspirational Words to End Your Week

Inspire yourself today!

The end of the week is as good of a time as the beginning of the week for a little inspiration. Here are some great quotes and words of motivation that can help you feel rejuvenated and get your energy levels up as you move through Friday and into Saturday and Sunday:

“The Best Preparation for Tomorrow Is Doing Your Best Today.” 

Said by Joseph Campbell, this quote couldn’t ring more true – everyone can benefit from always putting forth the best version of themself. Not only will this make you happier, but it will also make you more prepared for challenges that come your way.

“Try Not to Become a Man of Success, But a Man of Value.” 

The above words were wisely stated by Albert Einstein, and they are quite profound. Too often, people reach for the stars, focusing on success (which they may define as money, position, and power) rather than focusing on aligning what they do with what they value. If you focus on being a person of value, and on self-actualization, you will be successful.

“The Grass is Greener Where You Water It.”

This succinct yet astute statement was issued by Neil Barringham. Surely, Barringham meant to say that the things that you invest your time and effort into are the things in your life where you show the most success and growth. If you’re dissatisfied with something, what do you need to do to change it? 

What other words of wisdom strike you as particularly influential? 

Inspirational Words for the Week… CLICK HERE

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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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