What Type of First Impression Do You Make on Others?

What type of impression do you make on others?
What type of impression do you make on others?

The first impression that you have on another can be the foundation of how your relationship will proceed moving forward. This is why making a strong first impression is very valuable, especially if the person whom you’re impressing is someone you’ll likely be working with in the future (or want to work with). Here are some things to keep in mind when you want to make a strong first impression:

Make it Clear that You Care About the Other Person

There is nothing worse than communicating with someone who clearly does not care about you. When you meet someone for the first time, make it clear that you are interested in them. Ask questions, be engaged in the conversation, put your phone away, and make it evident that you did your homework before showing up, especially if applying for a job.

Show Confidence in Yourself

People whom you meet want to know that you’re confident in yourself, but not cocky. When you meet someone new for the first time, shake their hand firmly, make eye contact, and speak slowly in a clear tone. If you make a statement, be sure that it’s accurate. People who carry themselves with confidence are more attractive.

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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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