How To Break Out Of Existing Patterns That Keep You Stuck In The Comfort Zone

We are all following a path, either physically or metaphysically. These paths or lines dictate patterns that we have traversed before. Comfort zones build when we walk down a path numerous times and do so without thinking or observing.

When we passively walk through the world, it seems flat and one-dimensional.

We fail to notice the details around us.

How do we break out of these patterns and truly notice the world around us? The simple answer is to build your awareness.

Build your awareness.

Improve The Awareness Of Your Senses To Break Out Of Patterns

Feel. How do your shoes feel at the bottom of your feet? How does your hand feel on the table? Allow your fingers to feel the objects in their reach and pay attention to the sensations on the tips of your fingers.

Breathe. Cue into your breathing. Inhale, deep breath and with a heavy exhalation, let out any anxiety you are carrying.

Listen. What are the different sounds around you? Pick out one sound layer and pay attention to it for a minute. Then hear past it and pick out another sound and pay attention to it for a minute.

Visualize. Follow the natural light, look for lines. The floorboards and notice if the line follows an unbroken path. Follow the line with your eyes until it deviates or breaks into further lines.

Find an object and focus your gaze on it. What does it remind you of? Use your imagination and when you make an association, let your mind travel in an unconnected path.

Look for a color. Any color. Look around the room until you find that color. Look around again, when you see the color, follow it. Where does it lead you?

When you start to pay attention to details, you are allowing your mind to break out of self-imposed patterns. This leads to a wider breaking free from paths that feel comfortable. Start by taking yourself a little less seriously and letting your awareness cue into the millions of patterns surrounding you.

Pattern-recognition is key to building awareness. And awareness is the easiest way to step out of an unconscious comfort zone.

Sheevaun Moran is a business advisor, master coach, quantum energy thought leader and the founder of Energetic Solutions. She uses business principles with energetic techniques to help more than 25,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs and leaders bring instant focus and shifts to clarity, purpose, and profits.


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