Are You Responsible for Your Office’s Toxic Waste?

burdens of others
How much do you carry others’ burdens?

Are you someone to whom people in your office come for a pick-me-up when they’re feeling down? Do you notice that when others need to vent, it’s your door they knock on first?

If the answer is yes, then you may have unknowingly been tasked with handling your office’s toxic waste – that is, the negativity, bad feelings, and emotions that can run wild in a work place.

Why Is This Bad for You?

While you may enjoy the fact that others trust you enough to open up to you (who wouldn’t feel good about this?), acting as a dumping site for toxic emotions can have terrible effects. In fact, by doing this, you are absorbing other people’s negativity, allowing them to be constructive and productive while you become saddled with their bad energy. People who handle situations like this on a regular basis often develop serious stress levels themselves, which can in turn result in depression, hiccups in their careers, and relationship problems. You can read more about toxic handlers in this article published by the Harvard Business Review. 

How to Escape? 

So the question then, is, how do you escape your role as a toxic handler? The answer is complex, and requires a number of actions, such as learning how to say no, learning what “cases” to take on, and prioritizing yourself. If you need help putting you first, working with a success coach can be transformative. You can also take advantage of this free video series with solutions for staying aligned and energized. 

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