Common Misconceptions that Most People Hold About Success  

If you're searching for success the wrong way, it may be eluding you.
If you’re searching for success the wrong way, it may be eluding you.

Many people hold incorrect opinions about success and the most successful of people. Here is a review of some of those misconceptions and what you really need to know:

You Have to Work ALL the Time

There is no doubt that the most successful of people certainly put in the hours. However, you do not have to work all the time to be successful. Rather than working all the time, it’s about quality over quantity, or about doing the right type of work.

Success Is About Good Luck

Sure, some people do get lucky. But for most people, success is a coordinated effort that comes as a result of trying hard, planning well, and never giving up.

Once You Reach Success, You’ll Be Happy

If you think that being successful or making money will make you happy, you’re wrong; happiness should not be independent of success. In fact, until you can become happy without money, success will continue to elude you.

Success is an End Goal

Success is not an end goal; rather, it is a process that is lifelong. Throughout the process, you and your business or other success goals will continue to grow with you. Sheavaun Moran can help you understand this process and the significance of your success journey.

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Remember that energy is where the real you shiney and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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