The Communication Skills That Matter and How to Improve Them  

Are you an effective communicator?
Are you an effective communicator?

Being a good communicator is the foundation for being a good friend, partner, and leader. In fact, without the ability to communicate well, your success will likely suffer. Here are some tips for effective communication:

Actually HEAR People

Are you just listening, or are you actually hearing what others are saying? To actual hear others, put away distractions and give speakers your full attention. Being engaged in your audience is essential for good communication.

Ask Questions

One way to help you hear and clarify what people are saying is to ask questions (at appropriate times) during the conversation. If a person tells you they love lilies, you can confirm by saying something along the lines of, “I know lilies are your favorite – do you have a favorite color of lily?” Or, “Why do you love lilies?” You get the idea.

Be Calm, Positive, and Focused

Communicating with an emotional person is both difficult and unpleasant to do. No matter how emotional the topic is that you are discussing, be sure to approach it with a calm and collected demeanor. This includes your body language, which should be open and welcoming.

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Become a Better Communicator.



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