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Make a Choice in 2017 to Let Go of 2016

happy new year
Happy New Year! Make 2017 the best year yet.

Happy New Year!

Many are greeting the New Year with gratitude after experiencing a less-than-ideal 2016. As you move into 2017, you have a choice: to say goodbye to 2016, or to let yourself by dragged down by the memories of the negative things that happened.

Saying Goodbye To What Is Past

The great thing about a new year is that it presents you with a unique opportunity to put your best face forward and embrace the future with open arms. By giving you a clean slate, 2017 has challenged you to look forward rather than backwards. This does not mean that you cannot evaluate what has happened; part of embracing the future is learning from the past. However, it does mean that you should not ruminate or hold onto things that are out of your control. What’s done is done, and moving on is the only way to find happiness in the new year.

Get Ready for the New Year!

To help you transition into 2017 and make it the best year yet, and to improve your energy levels, here are some things to do:

  • Declutter your space and your life, which will get you a feeling of freedom;
  • Accept apologies from those who offer them, and be willing to forgive even those who do not
  • Develop some personal goal and put a plan in place to achieve those.

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Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable…let it shine today!



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