The Skinny on Success

Theory of Multiple Intelligences – Which One Are You?

The Skinny on Success
You’re likely a lot more intelligent than you give yourself credit for.

Howard Garner proposed the idea that everyone is gifted and “intelligent” in a different way. His theory of multiple intelligences paved the way for groundbreaking changes to the way that intelligence is thought about, how people learn , and how children are viewed in a classroom. They might also change the way that you think of yourself. Which type of intelligence most resonates with you? Are you gifted in more than one type?

1. Spatial

This refers to the ability to understand 3D images and shapes.

2. Naturalist

A naturalist is someone who is able to understand and value living things and can “connect” with nature.

3. Intra-personal

Intra-personal refers to self-awareness and understanding who you are and what you want from life.

4. Linguistic

Linguistic capabilities provide people with the skills to say what they mean and what they want; to articulate.

5. Bodily-Kinesthetic

This type of intelligence is the intelligence to use your body in a unique and talented way, ranging from fine motor skills (like a surgeon would need) to athletic ability.

6. Interpersonal

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand people’s motives and empathize with them.

7. Existential

A person who has existential intelligence asks the big questions, like why we’re here and what happens when we die.

8. Logical-Mathematical

Someone who can think logically about things, quantify them, and propose hypotheses has logical-mathematical intelligence.

9. Musical 

Self-explanatory, musical intelligence is the ability to discern and reproduce sounds.

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