Entrepreneurial Flow: 5 Must-Know Tips for Financial & Professional Success

Achieve energetic flow with these entrepreneurial strategies.
Achieve energetic flow with these entrepreneurial strategies.
Your energetic flow is an important component of your financial and professional success, particularly as an entrepreneur. When you start to lose your flow—or if it never got going to begin with—here are some tips to get it to cascade:

1. Trend Activation

Following a popular trend can be an incredibly lucrative practice. For example, Instagram has started allowing clickable ads to be displayed on its site, mimicking companies like Google and Facebook. Look for a trend in your industry and apply it to your own business.

2. Listen to Your Heart and Then Your Head (Crazy talk encouraged)

 You may think that all of those thoughts in your mind are preventing you from staying focused; however, the small voices inside your head are often the wisest. Take a risk and follow your intuition.

3. Get Naked

This isn’t meant to be literal; instead, figuratively ‘get naked.’ Unplug, get back to basics, and figure out what you need to strip away to get to the core of your business’s objectives and success.

4. Touch the Earth

This is meant to be taken literally. Get outside, plain and simple. Take in the fresh air. Turn off the air conditioner. Take off your shoes and feel the ground under your feet. Take some deep breaths. Being in nature can help you feel alive, alert, and ready for action. Being grounded is imperative to resetting your energy, brain chemistry to calmer and have the ability to focus more easily. To get grounded can be as simple as laying on the earth or doing this little sequence at least one time a day. 

5. Jump

Sounds silly but there’s research on the idea that moving the body in a jump allows the cells to intake new fresh energy and release the old used energy. Jumping on a Rebounder or with a rope helps the 100 trillion cells to adjust to environments and emotional circumstances more effortlessly. A sedentary body begets a sedentary and uncreative mind. Jumping jacks a few times a day can get your energy flowing in a lot of ways. To learn more about how to achieve optimal flow for entrepreneurial success, reach out to master coach, mentor, and financial expert Sheevaun Moran today.

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For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit HERE.  Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today! Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Sheevaun Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2hCGVpQ Subscribe to my Youtube channel! http://youtube.com/EnergeticSolutions Podcast http://apple.co/2rvOFgt



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