Tag: Marketing

Craft Your Business Language Carefully | Words Define Your Marketing Strategy

Language is the cornerstone of great marketing. Pay attention to the words you use to define and describe your services. The way you talk…

Stop Running From Failure

How can I say this… well hang with me for a minute. Failure is something that we are taught to be afraid of and…

Integrating Energy Principles Into Your Business

Einstein and Tesla are names everyone knows these days, and yet their underlying truths are often refuted and brushed off as if their ideas…

Tips for Improving the Productivity of Your Employees

Having productive employees and innovative team members is crucial for a business’ success. Here are some tips for improving productivity of those you work…

Are You an Independent Contractor? Financial Tips that Can Help

Freelancer, independent contractor, self-employed – call it what you will, but the truth is the same: not being an employee can be extra hard…

Are You a Successful Leader in Your Life?

Not all successful people are natural born leaders, and some never come into a leadership role at all. This is okay – the world…

What’s an OODA Loop and How Can It Help You to Be More Successful?

An OODA Loop is one of the most effective ways of resolving, creating or reaching a goal. Indeed, this decades-old military strategy, which was…

Could an Employee Wellness Program Benefits Your Employees and Business?

More employers are beginning to implement employee wellness programs, and for good reason: wellness programs not only save employers money in healthcare costs over…

Goal Setting in the Workplace

Since it’s the New Year, many of our posts have focused on goal setting, and how to approach goals as you move into January…