Tag: mindfulness

Becoming a More Positive Person

The New York Times (click HERE to read article) recently published an article on how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones, and it’s an…

Accept Your Feelings & Thoughts Without Judgment

When faced with difficult emotions, our natural tendency is to avoid feeling them at all costs. But what if we trained ourselves to accept…

A 3-Step Process To Beat Distractions In 3 Minutes

Distractions are urges that divert our attention from the things that require our focus. If we are going to manage distractions, we have to…

The Direct Connection Between Learning And Focus – Learn Faster By Using Your Subconscious

One of the reasons children learn skills faster than adults is because their minds are open and focused. Learning for them is an enjoyable…

Start Practicing Cognitive Defusion To Control Your Thoughts

Cognitive defusion is the ability to separate from your thoughts and let them go instead of getting caught up in an emotional whirlpool. The…

How to Prepare for Tomorrow Tonight

It’s Sunday everyone, which means that for most of us, the workweek starts tomorrow. If you want to get ahead of your Monday, here…

The 3 Surprising Ways To Develop Your Focus

Focus is an essential preoccupation for people who achieve success. It is one of our most limited and precious resources. Without it, success remains…

Your Soul Mate Is Not One Person But A Collection Of Many

The problem with modern relationships is that we expect from one person what our ancestors got from a whole village. We place the burden…

Zig or Zag, but Do This

Aim for a goal, and you will surely miss. Yep, an unknown tactic is to surely not aim exactly for that goal. …always move…