Have you ever found yourself in a forest of chaos or uncertainty? This is where I come in. I help you resolve conflicts and find inner peace for a greater game and impact.
Some call me their Spiritual Warrior for Business Success while others call me mentor, teacher, coach or their secret ingredient for growth. I help folks on the path to becoming entrepreneurs and CEO's. I have a formula that has helped thousands worldwide achieve health while building their success and uncovering their true calling.
I'm not for everyone as I'm very direct in the way I communicate. I have the ability to see into a business and circumstance like a 3D MRI, allowing me to help my clients have the upper hand with integrity. Whether their dream is for better health, more aligned action, or greater wealth, I help my clients master the dance between heart, soul. and dollars,
While starting, running, and managing multiple startups and ventures, from software to health foods to an internet publishing company, Sheevaun has used her Energetic Solutions® to help overachievers become better aligned for a higher purpose, maximizing their potential for prosperity as well as inner healing.
Since healing herself from exhaustion and "incurable" sepsis, Sheevaun has helped over 25,000 people create miracles in their lives from the stage. She is unlike any other speaker, captivating audiences with her unique blend of energy, insight and wisdom. If you want results, hire Sheevaun to speak at your next event.
It is in giving we receive. Sheevaun has co-founded and contributes a portion of all sales to Create A BLOGBright Life, a 501c3
helping those in need for over 14 years. We also plant one tree per YouTube Subscriber and strive to be carbon-free.