Month: October 2017

What breaks your heart?

Hey there! So much to say about what’s going on with all the world happenings and It breaks my heart when… … I hear…

How You Can Feel More Certain About Your Relationships

There are dozens of different types of relationships, from friendships to the relationship with a parent or sibling to romantic relationships to the relationships…

A Review of the “Big 5” Personality Traits

Psychologists have identified five general personality traits, which they believe all personalities can be deconstructed into. The following provides a review of each of…

How to Let Go of Your Desire to Be Well-Liked

Everyone wants to be well-liked. In fact, the desire to be well-liked is what drives many of our behaviors, even pushing us out of…

Understanding the Different Types of Love

As a human being, love is one of your most basic needs. Which is why it is important that you not only understand the…

Why The First Relationship You Should Repair is the One with Yourself

Take a moment to analyze your life and the relationships you have with other people. Perhaps you and your spouse are going through a…

What You Need to Know About the Mind-Body Connection

Traditional medicine has often focused on the mind and the body as two very import, but very distinct, parts of health. To be sure,…

Bring More Calmness Into Your Life

Being able to calm oneself has been called the ultimate achievement of the self; and to many, it is the ultimate display of success,…

Get Up and Get Going This Morning

Starting the morning off right is the best start to a good day. But if you didn’t sleep well, are dealing with stress or…