Tag: Identity

3 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Energy Levels

Energy isn’t just how much adrenaline you have coursing through your body in a given moment, or how much you feel like running a…

What Is Your Boredom Trying to Tell You?

Are you bored at work or at home? Do you find yourself thinking about other things and unable to focus on the task at…

Pleasure vs. Purpose – Which Should You Focus On?

An article in Psychology Today explains that there are two ways that happiness is gained: Through pleasureful activities, and through purposeful ones. But is…

How Do the Words You Use Affect Your Energy?

Have you ever paid attention to the words you use when speaking about something that is different than what you planned, or that upsets…

Should You Express Your Anger?

We’re often told that when it comes to emotions, expressing them is much better than holding them in. But is this always true? If…

What Type of First Impression Do You Make on Others?

The first impression that you have on another can be the foundation of how your relationship will proceed moving forward. This is why making…

How Much Do You Want Success?

What’s the biggest obstacle to success in life? Desire. You may be smart, talented, connected, energized, and in a great position to make a…

Finding Peace in Life

If there is one thing that is important in life, it is finding inner peace. For the majority of people, this goal is elusive….

Epic is the Level You’re Designed to Operate From – Ready to Reach For It

You have an optimal level from which you are designed to operate: that level is epic. Reaching this level does not happen by mistake…