Tag: action plan

How To Stop Your Love Affair With Negativity

If you want something bad enough, you will succeed, right? Not quite. A strong desire to achieve something is only a step in the…

Accomplish Your Resolutions This New Year – Part 2

The new year provides the perfect time to reflect and assess your goals. A new year provides the inspiration to improve the quality of…

Why Are New Year Resolutions So Hard To Keep?

There are two types of people preparing to celebrate the new year. The first camp believes in setting resolutions and goals for the next…

Change Your Expectations To Appreciation

What happens when instead of appreciation, you start a pattern of expectation in your life? You move from living through your heart to living through…

Learn To Consciously Direct Your Focus

Time is an emotion. A feeling. We forget that and we get stressed out. We tend to focus our attention on activities, on the…

Old-Fashioned Consistency Breeds Success

On this blog, we consistently acknowledge the power of small habits to create big changes. This old-fashioned bit of advice never seems to go…

Taming the Inner Critic to Bring Out the Joy

Our world is filled with many words and many of those are actually critical. These critical thoughts and words are brought down by our…

Undo The Power Of Limiting Beliefs In Your Life

What’s limiting you from achieving the dreams that would make you wildly happy? Before you think of the excuses, stop yourself and ask if…

How To Create More Leverage In Life & Business

Leverage refers to raising something heavy in a specific manner to make it easy to lift. Over 2000 years ago, Archimedes famously stated that…