Tag: reflection

EP 095: Stop Giving Your Energy Away

🎵CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS WEEKS PODCAST EPISODE 🎵 SHOW NOTES: Everyone Sheevaun here Driving for Your Success and it’s been awhile. I miss…

EP 90: Handling Lack Mentality

🎵CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS WEEKS PODCAST EPISODE 🎵 SHOW NOTES: Everyone Sheevaun here Driving for Your Success. It’s an amazing day. It’s warm…

EP 089: Get Out of That Foggy Mind and Regain Clarity

🎵CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS WEEKS PODCAST EPISODE 🎵 SHOW NOTES: Hey everyone Sheevaun here Driving for Your Success. Do you ever feel like…

You Are Probably Doing This

The other day I was listening to an entrepreneur who had literally lost billions due to the three things he did. He was lamenting…

Are You Ashamed of How Unproductive You Feel at the End of the Day?

It is common to feel shame when you do not meet an expectation that you have set for yourself or fail to do something…

Driving For Your Success EP 078: Beyond the Inner Conflict

 Hey everyone Sheevaun here Driving for Your Success, today’s topic is about this little drug that we have inside of us that really…

Pause To Reflect And Be Quick To Act

We live in busy times. Most people have hardly any time to do anything well. Forget about thinking things through, we are expected to…

Concise Storytelling: What Can You Share with the World in Two Minutes that Has a Beginning, Middle, and End? 

Everyone has heard about the value of an elevator pitch – i.e. a complex idea or theme that you are able to communicate clearly…

It’s NOT Good to Be Right, Or Is It?

Is it possible to be right all the time? No, but many walk around thinking and acting as if they are. They appear to…